Disclaimer: My family received a complimentary axe throwing session in exchange for my sharing of our experience on this blog.
I admit that I have never watched an episode of Games of Thrones. Nevertheless, I recently had the chance to wield an axe (in a controlled setting) and felt great doing so! A new axe throwing facility just opened up a few weeks ago not too far from me. Axeplosion has come to town! Prior to learning about this place, I did have an interest in trying out such an activity, but I only had heard of places downtown and just never followed up. When I recently saw mention of the new place on a local Facebook page, I knew that it was a sign (literally and figuratively)! I contacted them on a Saturday, and Sunday night, my family and I were flinging sharp objects at targets (in that previously mentioned controlled setting). With high school starting the next morning, I felt that no one would dare mess with my kids after this! (I say that in jest. My kids will be just fine at school! I know them. : ) ). I figured that we would all feel it and be reminded of some of our muscles the next day, but I knew that it would be worth it!

To be honest, the place was smaller than I had expected, but that turned out to be a good thing! It did not feel overwhelming, and I felt as though there was enough space around to feel comfortable but not secluded. There were also areas to sit and relax while still being able to watch the action. The axe throwing “axpert” was easily accessible during our entire time there and was frequently coming by to check on us and see if we had questions or needed help. As an FYI, it did seem loud initially (axes were being thrown at wooden targets after all), but I became more accustomed to it over time. Saying that, if someone in your party is sensitive to sounds, you may want to bring ear plugs for comfort. (When you look at the photos, you will notice that they have different colors. The cameras and photos are fine; the lights there had changing colors.)

Upon arriving, our fabulous “axpert,” Fil, instructed us in how to properly and safely throw and retrieve the axes. He stayed with us initially to help us with our technique as well as to give recommendations.
Let the throwing begin! Initially, we would throw the axe and hear the loud noise as it hit the wall and then the ground. The throwing distance is short enough that it isn’t a problem getting the axe to the wall but is far enough that you need some strength, technique, aim, and practice to get it to hit and stay in the target. A large part of what I appreciated and enjoyed about this activity was that it was challenging enough that you didn’t always succeed, but with time and practice during one session, you could see yourself improve and hit the target plus know that you could continue to become more skilled with time. We were signed up for a two hour session. After the first hour, we all showed significant improvements in our skills, and this continued to improve during the rest of our time. There is also that sense of power (WOOHOO!) you get when you get your axe to hit and stick the bulls-eye! Of the four of us that were throwing together, I think that my son had the highest success rate, but we all held our own! The videos show some of the reality of successes and failures. Most of the photos are of our highlights! (Who wants to take or see photos of an axe on the floor or outside a target?) The photos are of our legitimate great throws, but I can honestly say that we did not have equal success with each delivery.

After some time just working on throwing the axe, Fil told us about scoring and making a game of it. There is nothing like good, family competition! While we were there, we teamed up as kids vs adults, battle of the sexes, and then mom/son vs dad/daughter–we covered all the combinations, and the games were all close. The goal was to reach 41 points without going over. Just like darts, each ring had a point value (1-4) with 6 points for the bulls-eye. If you “called” one of the blue dots in the upper portion of the target and hit it, it was worth 8 points. (We never accomplished that during a game, but my husband made it a personal goal to get it at least once during the night.)

At the beginning of our experience, Fil showed us how to properly do an overhand throw. After we had some time to practice and play, he also showed us an underhand throw. At various points during our evening, I was quite adept at throwing that way! (At other times, it wasn’t as successful. I am not sharing those photos–nothing to see but an axe on the ground in those situations.)

Overall, this turned out to be a perfect family activity! It was our “SUMMER BREAK GRAND FINALE” in that school started the next morning. We all had fun, we all started from the same baseline of having no clue of what to do (ok, my husband said that he threw an axe at sometime in his past, but I it was too long ago to count), we all improved as our session progressed, and we were all equally matched (how often does that happen with kids and physical activities?)! As an aside, I also admit that I did feel like a bit of a bada$$ in the process. (Sometimes I like to feel delicate and girly. Other times, I really like to feel POWERFUL! The sound of the axe really sticking into the target is very satisfying. Don’t just take my word; try it!) We are hoping to go back soon! Perhaps I will see you there!

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