• Hanging out with Daisy, Mrs. O'Leary's cow. (She was innocent!)
    Other Stuff I Learned,  What I Did

    Chicago History Tour–I Love to Play Tourist Locally!

    Disclaimer:  I received complimentary tour passes in exchange for sharing my experiences on the tour. Last Saturday, I played tourist in downtown Chicago for an afternoon.  There were no loud shirts, dark socks with sandals, or large cameras on straps.  (It’s November for heaven’s sake–winter coats and hats were the appropriate attire!)  My group included myself with my husband, teenage daughter, and my other teenage daughter (more specifically, my daughter’s BFF).  (She took my son’s place since he was participating in an Operation Snowball retreat that weekend.) We started at the Hyatt Regency for a Chicago History Tour.  This activity was conducted by Chicago’s Finest Tours. There we met up…