Virtual Pampered Chef Party–Fall 2020! (Party-on while being responsible adults!)
I recently attended a virtual Pampered Chef party that my college friend, Barb, hosted. I wasn’t necessarily thinking of making purchases, but I did think it would be fun to interact with others and interact again with Barb. I figured that I might get some inspiration to help me in the kitchen; I was feeling a little stagnant. When all was said and done, I did not buy anything, but I did want to host my own party. I enjoyed the experience of participating, and I really enjoyed what the PC consultant did, so we set up a party for early September.
This all took place on Facebook. I did send out a lot of invitations and made mention of the party on my Facebook page because I figured that everyone likes to eat, and I really did not know who might or might not be interested. (Plus, I had some technical issues and did not want to leave anyone out.) There was no obligation, no one had to carve out any major chunk of time, and I wasn’t going to proactively hunt down people, so I decided to include everyone without feeling like I was bugging them.
For those who have not previously participated in a Pampered Chef on-line party, this party consisted of posts with information about various products and suggestions of how to use them (this included photos, recipes, and demo videos), games, questions for participants (such as “What is your biggest kitchen challenge?”), a Facebook live video with the PC consultant (this was really good, was fun and educational, and lasted about an hour), and more. For me, the best part was the interactions. Food has a way of bringing people together, even if we are not actually eating or preparing it at the time. I was interacting with a combination of friends and family from various areas of my life, some of whom I see regularly and others who I have not seen since high school. I really appreciated how this party gave me a chance to make a new connection with so many different people from my life in a fun, relaxed way.
When I decided to host a party, I was well aware that there were rewards for hosting. I won’t deny that I was hoping that people would make enough purchases that I would be able to get some free product credit (and that my consultant would not feel as though the party was a waste of his time). My personal goal/hope was to earn enough credit for a free gadget of some sort. I posted regularly on my “Beckie’s Pampered Chef Facebook Party” page with the hope of giving some ideas and inspiration as well as to encourage more interaction between everyone, but I made a point of not being pushy. (At least I hope that I did not seem pushy.) Well, it appeared as though some friends and family were really ready to get themselves some new kitchen items! Some just ordered one or two cool gadgets; others seemed to have had big plans for their future food prep! (When I have hosted other types of similar parties for different types of products at my home in the past, there were never a lot of purchases, so I did not have high expectations. I am guilty of being the type of person that normally does not make purchases at these parties. I go for the camaraderie, socializing, and ideas.) As the orders started coming in, I started to get greedy! (I admit it! I really got excited when I would see a purchase and my reward increase!)
I got sucked into the excitement and fun as well in that I ended up spending a lot more than I originally planned. I don’t feel guilty, though, because I have a plan! When all was said and done, I ended up ordering $508.60 in products for which, after tax and shipping, I paid $215. The cost came down due to the rewards of free credit, 60% off one item, and several 50% off items. ((I used the 60% off on the air fryer. This will replace my toaster oven which will eventually go to my son for a future apartment. He does not know this yet, but, if you read my last post, he is in college and is bound to have an apartment in the foreseeable future (and I now won’t feel a need to buy him a new toaster)!) I also took the opportunity to stock up on some gift items. (Shhh–lots of people will be getting scoops to use for things like cookie dough or making meatballs. I will likely give a scoop with a “cookie mix in a jar” this coming holiday season. As I said, SHHH!) I already gave my sister one as part of a birthday gift. She just used it and told me that she loves it! She can’t imagine going back to what she used to do when making cookies. When I suggested over the phone that she could also use it for making meatballs, I could actually hear the excitement in her voice and hear the wheels turning in her head! Really, I could! (…and I really need to try mine out ASAP and make some cookies!) Since receiving my items (which came more quickly than expected–the company warned of shipping delays due to the pandemic), I have already put several to use and continue to stay inspired to prepare new meals for the family! My husband has been having fun with the air fryer. He is the one who got me thinking about it during the party and hinted to me to go ahead and order it. Some of the other items I have enjoyed so far or am looking forward to trying are the insulated serving bowl set (when my husband and I prepare a meal together, it is extremely rare that we each finish our part at the same time, so these REALLY come in handy), a stone loaf pan, a kitchen spritzer (which now contains olive oil), and the medium scoop (as mentioned, I suppose that I really must make some cookies soon). The opportunity for more family meals is one of the few silver linings of this pandemic. Plus, since we are not eating out as much, I felt it ok to invest a bit more into our home cooking experience.

As an added bonus, I have been enjoying getting to know (mind you, it has been virtually, but it still counts), the Pampered Chef consultant who ran the party. (If you are interested in hosting a party and need a consultant, I highly suggest Eric Berger from Pennsylvania! P.S. He doesn’t know that I am mentioning his name here, but I can’t imagine that he would argue with it. ; ) ) It is definitely more challenging to meet and get to know new people when you have to limit your face-to-face interactions during a pandemic!
If interested in the items and/or hosting a party, I recommend that you check out Pampered Chef. I had a good time hosting my first on-line party. You might, too! (I don’t get anything if you order from Pampered Chef. I am just sharing my experience. If you host a party because of me, I think that I might technically be able to get a discount on an additional purchase, but, honestly, I think I am well stocked for now!)
If nothing else, I hope that you are now inspired to take stock of what you have in your kitchen and get creative! Treat yourself to a special meal or dessert! Share and try something new with your family. (Take advantage of the fact that you probably have fewer places to go in the evening.) Maybe you will be inspired to simply reconnect with people from your past or meet new people. Does it really matter how that happens? Take care and stay healthy and safe!

karena martin
Thanks Beckie! I enjoyed the party and my new gadgets!!
I’m so glad! I hope that your new gadgets help you create magic in the kitchen! : )
Rachel Hannon
I’m the sister 🙋🏻♀️! And Beckie is right, I love my new scooper!!! I expected to think it was “ok”, but it was amazing. When I made cookies, I didn’t touch the dough once and get my fingers all messy. I used the scooper and the dough came out quickly, perfectly, with no sticking. It literally popped right off the scooper right up to the last cookie. Can I make cookies without a scooper? Sure I can. But sometimes investing in a little gadget can really make a big difference (not that I invested in it bc as Beckie said, she bought it for me 😊).
She also bought me a serving spatula (not sure if that’s the proper name?). I used it to serve lasagne. It cut through the noodles and cheese and was the perfect size. I’m a happy Pampered Chef recipient and wondering what other gadgets I may be missing out on!
I am so glad that you like your gadgets! We just used the scoop yesterday! It was a winner! (Perhaps you will host your own party. I can hook you up. As you know by now, I enjoyed hosting one. : ) )